
During the course of many client engagements, Intelektularo uses proven assessments and tools to measure preferences and tendencies of individual leaders and team members.  

When used appropriately and ethically, reliable and valid assessments provide a common framework and language for individuals and teams to understand themselves and each other, and work better together. The right assessment often acts as a springboard for conversation and team building– improving communication, building trust and reducing harmful conflict.

With all assessments, our clients are in the driver’s seat. Prior to administration, all participants must be clearly informed about the purpose for taking the assessment, and voluntarily consent to participate voluntarily. Participants will have an opportunity to review, personalize, and verify their results, and are the ultimate judge of their best fit.

What clients say
"From amet to glavrida - convallis metus eros, semper efficitur auctor. Etiam sit amet convallis erat. Class aptent taciti convallis metus eros sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia torquent per conubia lorem!"
Anna Richmond
Seven Media
"Etiam sit amet convallis erat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent lorem ipsum dolor per conubia! Maecenas gravida lacus convallis metus eros. Thanx!"
Richard Green
Seven Media
Morbi convallis - convallis metus eros, semper efficitur auctor. Etiam sit amet convallis erat. Class aptent litora torquent conubia lorem!
Richard Green
Seven Media
From amet to lorem ipsum glavrida - convallis metus eros, semper efficitur auctor dolor glavrida.
Diana White
Seven Design Agency

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